We care about our employees. We ensure that they operate in a safe and stimulating work environment, balancing work and home life, as well as helping them to develop their capabilities by giving them the power they need, when and where they need it.
Talent Attraction
We aimed to improve job opportunities and training for the local talent pool by committing to hiring 100 interns across the entire Group and holding 35 employer branding events. We fell short of the target due to a challenging year, with 84 paid internships activated. Still, we worked to attract talent through employer branding events, and we held 64 in 2023.
2023 Result: 84 paid internships activated.
Read more on page 55 of the report.

We sought to maintain the training goal at 22k training hours, with a focus on ESG topics. In 2023, we reached 19,011 total training hours and, though we fell short of our goal, we saw a slight increase in hours per person in 2023. Also, new training was offered to introduce employees across the group to STIGA’s ESG strategy.
2023 Result: 19,011 training hours, or an average of 14.7 hours per employee.
Read more on page 57 of the report.

Gender Equality
We are a diverse team of more than 1300 individuals, each bringing our own unique perspectives and strengths, yet united by a shared purpose: to consistently strive for excellence and improve every day. Our commitment to people is deeply embedded in our values, and we take pride in creating an environment that fosters respect, inclusivity, and diversity.
As part of this ongoing journey, we have adopted a Gender Equality Policy, marking a concrete commitment to creating a fair workplace for everyone by promoting equal opportunities, addressing gender disparities, and fostering a culture of diversity across every level of our organization. Our dedicated Steering Committee, together with the Gender Equality Manager, oversees the successful implementation of this policy ensuring the ongoing adherence and guiding broader sustainability efforts in this direction so that every individual can feel heard and can reach their full potential.