STIGA’s pioneering 80v battery-powered lawn mower Combi 48 S AE was recently tested by several magazines across Europe and passed with flying colours. From the North to the South, STIGA Combi 48 S AE was rated a truly innovative and reliable product. Results show that performance, power and comfort are the benefits most associated with this machine. Testers found it to be easy-to-use and were impressed with its cutting performance. Its 5 Ah 80V battery also got positive feedback for battery life and charging time.
All testers agree that STIGA Combi 48 S AE is a lawn mower that combines the power of petrol lawn mowers with the comfort and simplicity of a battery tool: no carbon emissions, limited maintenance, low noise and limited vibrations – just plug in the battery and go!
Please find below the online International press review on STIGA Combi 48 S AE tests:

GÖR DET SJÄLV (SE) issue 8/2017
“Gräset blev perfekt klippt i den önskade höjden. En riktig kanonklippare, som känns lika stark som en bensinklippare.” (The grass was perfectly cut in the cutting height desired. A really good lawn mower, it feels as powerful as a petrol mower)
The article is available also in the other Nordic versions of the Magazine
GØR DET SELV (DK) issue 8/2017
TEE ITSE (FI) issue 8/2017
GJØR DET SELV (NO) issue 8/2017

ETM TEST MAGAZINE (DE) issue 6/2017
“Der Stiga Combi 48 S AE konnte im Test mit sehr guten Leistungen überzeugen. Für einen Akku-Rasenmäher arbeitet das Modell sehr kraftvoll, sodass er auch mit höherem Gras problemlos zurecht kommt” (The Stiga Combi 48 S AE was convincing in the test with very good performance. For a cordless lawn mower, the model is very powerful, so that it can cope with even higher grass easily)

SELBER MACHEN (DE) issue 6/2017
“Man bekommt dafür ein gut verarbeitetes Gerät, das dank des starken Akkus einen Benzinrasenmäher vollwertig ersetzt” (You get a well-enginered device, which replaces fully a petrol lawnmower thanks to the strong battery)
“Oggi abbiamo provato il rasaerba Stiga Combi 48 S AE, alimentato con batteria al litio, e possiamo dire senza tema di smentita che gli svantaggi sono stati azzerati. La sfida è stata vinta” (Today, we tried the Stiga Combi 48 S AE mower, powered by a lithium battery, and we can say without argument that the disadvantages have been cleared. The challenge was won)
See more about the product in this video